Show one success: Restore the city roads and drainage system


DHAKA has been turned into a city of extreme discomfort due to its agonizing traffic chaos, but none seem to be concerned about the pitiable conditions. A report carried in a national English daily said the perennial traffic gridlock has put the city commuters to a lot of hardship. Situation has got its worse with the ongoing construction works of Moghbazar-Mouchak flyover. The authority has failed to provide alternative road arrangement for the commuters using this route. Besides the utility service providers prefer mostly to dig the road for their maintenance work during the monsoon. The total road management is now undoubtedly in a mess.Traffic congestion in Dhaka is no doubt a consequence of demographic pressure on the capital. Dhaka has to put up with a burden of nearly 15 million plus people. Though the people have to pay different taxes, they get little in return by way of civic service. Dhaka citizens have to live with all kinds of denial of services including dilapidated road conditions. Only a few roads including the VIP road are usable for Dhaka dwellers. Traffic jams are also most intense on these few roads compelling the commuters to be locked in cars and buses for hours. The net results are intense discomfort of living and economic losses.The inhabitants of the capital are fortunate enough to have two city administrators with more hazards than ever before – thanks to the incumbent government. The quality of road maintenance work of these city corporations is very poor. A large portion of the allocated funds for maintaining roads is allegedly misappropriated by a section of unscrupulous officials, contractors and politically influential people at the ward levels. Most city roads do not have surface drains on both sides, making the roads vulnerable to accumulation of rainwater and thus suffer consequent damage. Allocations made in the name of road maintenance seem to be meant for looting by a section of political functionaries.Traffic jams have serious adverse impacts on other sectors apart from causing untold suffering to the commuters. According to a WB study, traffic congestion in Dhaka eats up some Tk 20 thousand crore a year. While the estimated loss due to traffic congestion is more than half of the country’s annual development outlay, 3.2 million business hours are lost every day. Traffic-jams also seriously pollute the air and cause a number of fatal diseases.The government at the suggestions of its advisers brags about too many success to count, let it show one success by repairing the roads and drainage system of the capital city. For years, people of Dhaka are facing insufferable inconveniences, but the corrupt ones are having all the benefits and public money is not being spent where it is needed most as if public suffering is of no consideration of the government.
