Should comics be allowed in school library?

Ramisa Maliha Bhuiyan :
Comics have always been a controversial issue. Some people are vehemently against these, while others are all for these. I belong to the latter group, and I am of the view that comics should be allowed in our school library.
Having been introduced to the world of reading through comics, I believe that comics are a good start to get the child interested in reading. As the saying goes, a picture tells a thousands words. Yes, readers are drawn to comics for the illustrative elements, but once they are drawn to the visual aspects, they would inevitably be drawn into the text, thus encouraging them to read. For children who dislike reading, perhaps their parents should introduce them to the world of comics before force “feeding” them serious books.
Comics are also a good way to relax and to be entertained. Today’s students are already overwhelmed by so much heavy reading in school. Comic books, on the other hand, can free their minds from school stress for a while by transporting them to a whole new world. A relaxed mind is a healthy mind. So the critics, who see comics as children’s materials are arguing that teenagers and adults do not get much out of it. I say, yes. Comics do provide the young and old some comic relief in life!
It is true that some comics are violent in nature, but not all are harmful. South Asian Books company produces comic books with Chinese cultural themes and values. Moreover, the comic illustrations are often accompanied by a fair amount of well-written text, debunking the critics that comics erode the language proficiency of students. While some comic books do contain colloquial language, I am sure students can distinguish between standard and non-standard use in formal writing as taught in school. We must not forget that comics, like most reading materials, may improve the reader’s vocabulary.
On the whole, therefore, I feel that comics have merits and should be allowed in the school library. I welcome the school library to start a comic collection, but of course, only the better types of comics should be entertained.