Short supply impacts vegetables’ price


Staff Reporter :Short supply of all kinds of vegetables due to hartal marked price-hike in the city’s kitchen markets at the weekend on Friday. The supply line in every hartal is affected, claim retailers, impacting market rate of commodities.Of the vegetables, bean was selling at Tk90 per kg, eggplant at Tk 50, brinjal at Tk 30 to Tk40, tomato at Tk 90, bitter gourd at Tk 40 to Tk45, cucumber Tk 60 to 65, okra Tk 40 to 45, papaya Tk 15, carrot Tk 70, french Tk 60, radish Tk 25, parbal Tk30 to 35 per kg, teasel gourd Tk40 to 45, snake gourd at Tk40 to 45, pumpkin (medium size) Tk 50 to 60 per piece, cauliflower Tk35 to 40, cabbage Tk 30 to 40, bottle gourd Tk50 to 60, ash gourd Tk35 to 40, coriander leaves Tk 250 per kg, green chilli Tk70 to 90, capsicum (red) Tk750 kg and capsicum (green) Tk500 to 550 per kg. Of the fish, Puti was selling at Tk250 per kg at Karwan Bazr, Kholisa at Tk300Chapila at Tk400, local Koi at Tk600, Fali Chanda (Rupchada) at Tk1200, Chanda small at Tk250, Cheh at Tk450, Walking Fish at Tk350, Eel at Tk450, Meni at Tk400, Sheat at Tk600 to 800 per kg, Ek-thota (Kaitta fish) at Tk550, sheat Fish at 550, Pangas river at Tk700, cultivated Pangas at Tk170, Rajputi at Tk450, Tilapia at Tk180, Ruhi fish was selling at Tk 350 per kg, medium-sized Carp at Tk 250-300 a kg, big-sized katol (carp) at Tk 400 per kg, cultivated Climbing Fish at Tk 250 per kg, local variety of catfish (Shing) at Tk 500-900, barbel at Tk800 per kg, big-sized shrimp at Tk 800-1000 per kg and small shrimp at Tk 350-400 per kg. Hilsha (800gm) was selling Tk600 per piece while big size one was selling at Tk1000 to 1200. The egg (chicken) was selling at Tk30 per hali (4 pieces) and egg (duck) at Tk38 to Tk 40. A medium size of cock was selling at Tk 400 to 550 per piece while hen at Tk 300 to 340 per piece. The boiler chickens’ price stands at Tk 175 per kg.Beef meat was selling at Tk320 per kg while redmeat at Tk500 per kg.Nazishail brand of rice was selling at Tk55. As for other brands, coarse rice was selling between Tk 33 to 34, Pyjam at Tk 35, Kataribhogh at Tk 75 and Minicate at Tk 52-54. Pillau rice (Badsha bhog) was selling at Tk70 to Tk90 per kg and Kalogira at Tk100 to Tk115 per kg. Imported garlic was selling at Tk 90 and local one at Tk 80. Imported ginger was selling at Tk 190 to 220, local produce at Tk 160 only, local onion at Tk 40, imported onion (India) at Tk 38 and lentil at Tk 110. Five litres Rupchanda brand canned soybean oil was selling at Tk 560 and Teer brand at Tk 555. Sugar was sold at Tk48 per kg on Friday.
