Short film festival on earthquake Nov 29


BSS, Dhaka :
A short film festival on earthquake will be held for the first time in the capital on November 29 to create mass awareness among people on earthquake preparedness. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) under its Capacity Development on Natural Disaster-Resistant Techniques of Construction and Retrofitting for Public Buildings (CNCRP) project is going to organise the daylong festival at Public Library Auditorium with free admission. “We are organising the film festival for the first time in the country as part of our endeavor to create mass awareness about taking preparedness against earthquake,” JICA communication expert Eriko Kobayashi told journalists at a press briefing at Bishwa Sahitya Kendra in the city. Earlier, JICA launched a short film competition on earthquake two months back calling young filmmakers to make short film on earthquake with a length from one minute to seven minutes.
“We received 20 short films on earthquake and today a jury board selected 10 best films out of these. We will screen the best 10 short films for all through a daylong film festival on November 29,” she said. Jury board members – film director Nargis Akhter, Zahid Hossain, Mohammed Hossain Jemi, and Dilder Hossain were also present at the press conference. Directors of the best three films will receive award at the film festival.
