Shimanto Bank open its Principal Branch

Major General Aziz Ahmed, Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh and Chairman of Shimanto Bank Ltd, inaugurating its principal branch at Shimanto Square on Monday in the city. Muklesur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO of the bank was present on the
Major General Aziz Ahmed, Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh and Chairman of Shimanto Bank Ltd, inaugurating its principal branch at Shimanto Square on Monday in the city. Muklesur Rahman, Managing Director and CEO of the bank was present on the
Economic Reporter :
Shimanto Bank Ltd has opened its Principal Branch today, October 09, 2016. Major General Aziz Ahmed, BGBM, PGBM, PSC, G, Director General of Border Guard Bangladesh and Chairman of Shimanto Bank Ltd has formally inaugurated the Principal branch at Shimanto Square of pilkhana, Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Managing Director & CEO Muklesur Rahman and other Directors, senior officials of BGB, Shimanto Bank and local dignitaries were present on the occasion. Chairman in his speech said that this Bank will serve all the active and retired members of BGB as well as general people of the country. He expects that this Bank would help the people of border areas to come into the main stream of economic activities which eventually would combat to reduce the illegal activities in border areas. MD & CEO in his speech said that the Bank will be of different type which will differentiate itself by its new products, modern technology and world class services.
The branch will soon be equipped with all modern facilities to provide quality banking services to the customers.