Shifting of Prophet’s tomb protested

Chittagong Bureau :
Protest rally, human chain and press conferences are being held regularly in last few days over publication of news about the shifting of holy tomb(Roaza) of Prophet Mohammad(R) from Masjide Nababi , Madina in some foreign media.
 Meanwhile, Azizia Kazemi Trust, Chittagong arranged a press conference on Thursday afternoonn at Chittagong Press Club protested the any Saudi govt decision of shifting the Roaza of Prophet Muhammad and vigorous movement will be launched across the country by the muslim janata if such decision is taken .
General Secretaryof the trust Principal Allama Abul Farah Md. Fariduddin read out the written statement before the journalists.
The press meet was told that Saudi Govt is being ruled by the Wahibadi governance since long and their main target is to demolish the holy mazars, roazas, tombs of nabi and olis (prophet and kalifas) . The press meet also told the very recently the socalled IS militants has destroyed a number of mazars in Iraq and Syria with blasts including the mazars of Hazrat Younus, Hazrat Doud, Hazarat Yahiya .
With this continuing of their conspiracy against Sunni Jamaat and Hanafi muzaf , Saudi govt is going to demolish the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad aimed at shifting the holy body to a unknown place , the press meet said.
The press meet also warned the Saudi Govt to refrain from such heinous decision of shifting of Prophets’s holy tomb otherwise bigger movement will be enforced by the devout muslims of the world jointly.
 Among others, President of the trust Allama Kazi Nurul Islam Hashemi, Vice Principal Azizul Hoque Al Kadery, Md. Abdul wadud, Principal Allama Nurul AlamKhan, Allama Sirajul Hoque, Md. Jalauddin, Mufti Ibrahim Al Kadery, Mufti Kamaluddin, Vice Principal Allama Jasimuddin were present on the occasion.