Sheikh Russel’s birth anniv today


The 52nd birth anniversary of Sheikh Russel, the youngest son of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, will be observed today. On October 18, 1964, Sheikh Russell was born at the historic Bangabandhu Bhaban at Dhanmondi. Sheikh Russel was killed along with most of his family members on August 15, 1975 when he was a forth grader at University Laboratory School.
Awami League, its associate bodies have taken up various programmes to celebrate the birthday of Sheikh Russell. The programmes include placing wreaths at his grave at Banani graveyard, milad and doa mahfils.
Awami League Dhaka city units (North and South) will hold a discussion on the occasion at Priyanka Community Center in the city at 10.30 am. Public Administration Minister and AL General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam in a statement on Monday urged the party leaders, supporters and well-wishers to celebrate the day in a befitting manner reports.
