Sheikh Russel dump Baridhara


Sheikh Russel Krira Chakkra dumped Uttar Baridhara by 7-1 goals in the 3rd phase of Nitol Tata Bangladesh Premier Football League held on Sunday at the Bangabandhu National Stadium.
Forward Mithun put Sheikh Russel ahead in the 4th minute of the match. Midfielder Sabuz Kumar Biswas unleashed a cross from right side to unmark Mithun who received the ball and placed it into the far post with right foot (1-0).
Mithun Chowdhury doubled the lead in the 29th minute with a powerful shot the ball was fed by Sabuz from the right (2-0).
Mithun Chowdhury completed his second hat-trick in the league for Russel in the 32nd minute. Sabuz put a through pass to Mithun who placed the ball after dodging past opponent goalie Osman Goni (3-0).
Midfielder Sabuj added another goal in the 38th minute as he curved a cross from left but Soleiman headed the ball into his own net (4-0).
Sabuz scored his second goal with a right footed grounder from middle of the box in the injury time of the first half on a square pass of Mithun from the left side (5-0).
Kenyan forward Collins Tego gave back one goal in the 51st minute with a left footed angular shot after dodging past opponent defender from the box the ball fed by Nigerian midfielder Kosoko (5-1).
Mithun netted his fourth and sixth for Russel after scoring with a right footed angular shot from the box in the 67th minute (6-1).
Mithun scored his fifth and seventh for Russel in the 81st minute. After capitalizing a ball, the Willy striker’s powerful shot from the edge of the box hit up of the net (7-1).
After this win Russel went up to 27 points played 19 matches while Uttar Baridhara remained with 12 points also played same matches.
