Sheikh Kabir Hossain, President of Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA), presiding over its 32nd AGM at Samson H. Chowdhury Centre in Dhaka Club recently. AKM Monirul Hoque, Vice-President of BIA, Muzzaffar Hossain Paltu, Chairman of Union Insurance, Maj. Gen. Abdul Hafiz Mollik, (Retd), Chairman, Best Life Insurance, MG Quddus, Chairman, Rupali Insurance, Nasir A. Choudhury, Advisor, Green Delta Insurance, Md. Ismail Nawab, Vice-Chairman, Islami Insurance Bangladesh, PK Roy, CEO of Rupali Insurance, Farzanah Chowdhury, CEO of Green Delta Insurance and AQM Wazed Ali, CEO of Dhaka Insurance, among others were also present.

Sheikh Kabir Hossain, President of Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA), presiding over its 32nd AGM at Samson H. Chowdhury Centre in Dhaka Club recently. AKM Monirul Hoque, Vice-President of BIA, Muzzaffar Hossain Paltu, Chairman of Union Insurance, Ma
Sheikh Kabir Hossain, President of Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA), presiding over its 32nd AGM at Samson H. Chowdhury Centre in Dhaka Club recently. AKM Monirul Hoque, Vice-President of BIA, Muzzaffar Hossain Paltu, Chairman of Union Insurance, Ma

