Premier Football: Sheikh Jamal-Abahani match rescheduled

UNB, Dhaka :
The Manyavar Bangladesh Premier Football League match between Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi Club and Abahani Ltd has been deferred for two days.
The second leg last round match will be held at 6:30 pm on August 22 in place of Aug 20 at Bangabandhu National Stadium in the capital.
The match has been shifted as both the teams applied to Bangladesh Professional Football League Committee to reschedule the match, said a BFF media release on Wednesday.
However, the two-time Bangladesh Premier League champions, including this edition, Sheikh Jamal DC went to Kyrgyzstan to play AFC Cup Play-Off Qualifiers and returned home on Tuesday last after a successful campaign as they emerged group champions to reach the AFC Cup play-off with unbeaten record.
They played 1-1 against five-time Kyrgyzstan champions FC Alga in the second match while crushed Casa Benfica of Macau by 4-1 goals in the first match.