Sheikh Hasina brings light in country, JS told


Lawmakers on Sunday said that Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina brought light in Bangladesh with her outstanding contribution and dedication, as she always love common people as well as democracy.
“Stability has been restored in the country owing to the dynamic and charismatic leadership of the Prime Minister …the development that is taking place in the country under her stewardship which is visible and overwhelming,” they told the house.
While taking floor on point of order, State Minister for Post and Telecommunications Tarana Halim raised the issue of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s release from prison on this day. Later senior lawyer and Awami League Leader Abdul Matin Khasru, Begum Fazilatun Nesa Bappy, Begum Noor Jahan Begum, Begum Umme Razia Kajol and Sabina Aker Tuhin joined the short unscheduled discussion.
The lawmakers said Prime Minister Sheikh Haisna always like democracy and love common people of Bangladesh, but the military backed caretaker government in 2007 arrested her without any specific allegation.
They said the military backed caretaker government sent Awami League President Sheikh Hasina in to jail without any reason. Raising false allegations against worthy daughter of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman the caretaker government arrested her. Later Ajam J Jahangir filed a false cased against Sheikh Hasina.
After arresting the democratic leader Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, basically the entire Bangladesh was sent to imprisonment, the members of parliament (MPs) said.
“The military backed caretaker government arrested our leader from her Sudha Sadan residence at Dhanmondi on July 16 in 2007, which assumed power in the political changeover of 1/11 in 2007,” Tanara Halim said.
