Shato Nagorik concerns over sexual assault


UNB, Dhaka :
Shato Nagorik Jatiya Committee, a platform of pro-BNP professionals, on Thursday voiced deep concern over Tuesday’s sexual assaults on a number of women on the Dhaka University campus and demanded exemplary punishment of the offenders.
In a statement, they also demanded an investigation to into the incident to reveal as to how law enforcers
 played a silent role during the barbaric and heinous incidents.
On Tuesday, a group of youths in front of police sexually harassed a number of women at TSC as they wet their to celebrate the Pahela Baishakh, the first day of Bangla New year 1422.
Celebrating the Bangla New Year is the integral part the nation’s culture, the Shato Nagorik Jatiya Committee said alleging that the ‘government-backed miscreants’ have seriously stigmatised the dignity, honour and the significance of the New Year welcoming festival.
They noted with concern that though there was a four-tier security in the place on the campus, the law enforcers did not come forward to save the helpless women from the sexual harassments that continued for nearly one and a half hours, let alone arresting the miscreants.” We’re stunned and worried over the barbaric, uncivilised, inhuman and heinous sexual harassments and stripping of women.”
The platform urged the government to take effective steps for bringing the offenders to justice shunning the blame game. “We got tired of seeing the blame game. We want to see such dangerous, barbaric and uncivilised incidents got stopped.”
Ex-Vice Chancellors of Dhaka University Prof Emajuddin Ahmed, Prof Moniruzzaman Miah and Anwar Ullah Chowdhury, former Chief Election Commissioner Abdur Rouf, Gonoshasthaya Kendra founder Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury, Supreme Court Bar Association president Khandaker Mahbub Hossain, DU Prof Mahbubullah, AFM Yousuf Haider, journalists Shafique Rehman, Mahfuz Ullah, Reazuddin Ahmed, Shawkat Mahmud and Abdul Hye Sikder, Doctors’ Association of Bangladesh secretary general ZM Zahid Hossain and noted artiste Gazi Mazharul Anwar were among the signatories to the statement.
