Shanta Jahan to anchor ‘Banglar Gayen’ again


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
During the first wave of corona pandemic, RTV organised a music reality show titled ‘Banglar Gayen’ at a large scale. As a part of its continuation, second season of that reality show has started. Popular anchor Shanta Jahan is going to host the show as usual in this season.
Shanta Jahan informed that selection round of the reality show is going on now. Studio Round will start soon.
From that time she will become busy with this show. From Studio Round to Grand Finale, Shanta will anchor the
reality show.
While sharing her feelings to anchor the same reality show again, Shanta Jahan told this correspondent, “I am cordially grateful to RTV authority and producer of the show Sohag Masud Bhai to attach me with ‘Banglar Gayen’ for its second season. I am feeling satisfied to keep full confidence on me for anchoring the show again. As an anchor, I always try to keep either the reality or stage show lively with aesthetic view. I did these things in the first season of ‘Banglar Gayen,’ so organisers of this reality show kept their full confidence on me. As a host, I am also feeling honoured in this regard. I shall try to give my level best effort to make the second season of ‘Banglar Gayen’ livelier rather than previous season. It is true that hosting this type of reality show, an anchor must be careful and conscious during hosting and many decisions have to be given by self applying own intelligence. ‘Banglar Gayen’ is a large scale of reality show – it must be kept on mind during anchoring the show. I hope this season’s arrangement will be full of colourful. We will get some new talents at the end of the show.”
Once Shanta Jahan acted regularly but she is not regular in this field. While asking her in this regrad, Shanta Jahan replied, “In fact, to me I feel that there is no freedom in case of acting. If actors give huge efforts but do not get proper remuneration either they may be senior or junior artistes. Example of two or three actors is not the overall scenario of our country. After reaching into the highest position some actors may get their proper remuneration. But how much number of actors can do it. For this reason, I have no interest about acting. I always feel comfortable in anchoring.”
According to Shanta Jahan, “Sharmin Lucky is my main inspiration in case of anchoring. It is true that for fluently delivering speech once I followed Farzana Brownia for anchoring.”
In 2012, Shanta started anchoring the show ‘Sonar Bangla.’ But she wants to do acting. In this case, script and character must be liked by her, Shanta added.
