Shalihar Mass Killing Day observed in Gouripur


Our Correspondent :
Shalihar Mass Killing Day was observed in Gouripur upazila of Mymensingh district on Saturday paying glowing tributes to those who were martyred on 21 August in 1971.
On this day 14 people were killed by Pakistani army in Shalihar village under Gouripur upazila. The attack began in the morning. They opened fire on the villagers of Shalihor during the liberation war of 1971. As a result Ganendra Mohan Kar, Mohini Mohan Kar, Jogesh Chandra Biswas, Nabar Ali, Kiroda Sundari, Shachindra Chandra Biswas, Tarini Kantha Biswas, Kailash Chandra Namodas, Shatragna Namodas, Ramendra Chandra Sarkar, Aboni Mohan Sarkar, Debendra Chandra Namodas, Kamini Kantha Biswas were killed by Pakistani forces on single day. Killing the people indiscriminately, set fire to houses and property and looted business establishments, leaving a trail of destruction was a great tragedy in the history of Gouripur.
