Shaina Amin returns to big screen


Entertainment Report :Meherjaan famed heroine Shaina Amin is coming back to big screen on April 4. Shaina acted third released movie Putro Ekhon Paisawala is scheduled to be released on that day. Nargis Akhter has given direction of the movie. While talking about her movie Shaina told this correspondent, “Earlier releasing date of movie Putro Ekhon Paisawala were announced several times. Due to country’s political situation it was changed. Now the country is going under normal situation and viewers are getting the opportunity to watch movie in cinema halls without any hassle. I hope after releasing the movie Putro Ekhon Paisawala viewers will go to the cinema halls to enjoy the movie.”Story of the movie Putro Ekhon Paisawala revolves with the conflict of relationship between mother and son. Shaina acted in the central role in the movie, Shaina said.It may be mentioned that earlier Shaina Amin acted two movies released. These were: Meherjaan and Pita. The first movie was come into limelight for both positive and negative reasons. On the other hand, on the occasion of upcoming Valentine’s Day, Shaina Amin performed in a faction play titled My Ex Girlfriend. Therefore, she is also acting in a mega serial titled Colour now. Shaina Amin is studying in third year in Management at Lalmatia Women’s College now. Due to study and conjugal life she can’t continue acting properly. While sharing in this regard Shaina said, “I have reduced working in media due to pressure of my conjugal life and study. In fact, while taking decision to acting now I show keen interest to quality work.”
