Shaikh Md Wahid-uz-Zaman, Chairman, Janata Bank Limited Congratulated to Mohammad Abul Kashem newly appointed as a director of the bank on behalf of The Board of Directors at the bank’s head office in the city on Wednesday. Manik Chandra Dey, Khondker Sabera Islam, Masih Malik Chowdhury, FCA, AK Fazlul Ahad, Luna Samsuddoha, Directors and Md Abdus Salam, Managing Director of the bank were present among others.

Shaikh Md Wahid-uz-Zaman, Chairman, Janata Bank Limited Congratulated to Mohammad Abul Kashem newly appointed as a director of the bank on behalf of The Board of Directors at the bank's head office in the city on Wednesday. Manik Chandra Dey, Khondker Sa
Shaikh Md Wahid-uz-Zaman, Chairman, Janata Bank Limited Congratulated to Mohammad Abul Kashem newly appointed as a director of the bank on behalf of The Board of Directors at the bank's head office in the city on Wednesday. Manik Chandra Dey, Khondker Sa

