Shahnoor finishes Indubala, starts Bela Obela

Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
Popular film actress Shahnoor again became busy with acting. For last few months she gave time to politics. She wanted to be Member of the Parliament in reserved seat from Awami League. But she could not become lastly. She did not frustrated in this regard rather than she is working more seriously now. She has also concentrated in acting.
Shahnoor has already finished dubbing of Joy Sarkar’s movie Indubala. From next month she will start shooting of Taju Kamrul’s movie Bela Obela as she has already started its shooting. Next week she will take part in shooting of second phase. Emon is her co-actor in this film.
While talking in this regard Shahnoor told this correspondent, “From many years I have been engaged with acting. Besides acting, I am actively participating in politics. I have already finished shooting of film Indubala. Overall it has become a nice movie. I believe viewers will enjoy the movie.”
Shahnoor also informed that she is also working to make a documentary on popular film actress Shabnur.
Shahnoor is expected to release the documentary within this year. “Shabnur is my very intimate friend. I have seen her for many years closely. From that point of view and other things will be portrayed in the documentary film,” she also said.