Shahjahan for more D-8 cooperation to promote religious tourism

Economic Reporter :
Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister AKM Shahjahan Kamal on Sunday laid emphasis on increasing cooperation among the D-8 (Organization for Economic Cooperation) countries to seize the opportunity of flourishing religious and halal tourism.
The D-8, also known as Developing-8, is an organisation for development co-operation among eight Muslim majority countries – Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey.
The minister made the remark while visiting Secretary General of D-8 Dato’ku Jaafar Ku Jaafar Ku Shaari called on him at his office at secretariat here.
During the meeting the Secretary General informed the minister that the next D-8 summit will be held in Dhaka that will help Bangladesh promote its tourism potentials in the international arena specially to the Muslim world.