Doctors say no major ailments found: Shahidul taken back to DB office from BSMMU


Staff Reporter :
Photographer Shahidul Alam was taken back to the office of the Detective Branch (DB) of Police as doctors of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) found no major health problems for admission into the hospital.
He was brought to BSMMU around 9:15am. Doctors headed by Professor Dr ABM Abdullah, Dean of the Medicine Department, conducted tests on him and found there was no major health issue with him, said BSMMU Director Brigadier General Md Abdullah Al Harun. After the tests, the doctors said, he is alright and there is no reason for admitting him to the hospital, he said.
Consequently, he was taken back to DB office around 2:00pm, said Abdullah Al Harun.
A four-member medical board was formed with Dr ABM Abdullah as head for Shahidul’s diagnosis and treatment.
Meanwhile, the government on Wednesday filed a petition with the Supreme Court seeking stay on the High Court order that directed the authorities concerned to send detained photographer Shahidul Alam to Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) for his treatment.
After a brief hearing, Chamber Judge of the Appellate Division of the SC Justice Hasan Foez Siddique sent the petition to the full bench of the apex court for its hearing today (Thursday).
In response to a writ petition filed by his wife Rahnuma Ahmed, the HC also ordered the BSMMU authorities to examine Shahidul’s physical condition and submit a report in the court.
On Tuesday, the High Court (HC) directed the authorities concerned of the government and police to immediately send the detained photographer to BSMMU for his treatment.
In response to a writ petition filed by his wife Rahnuma Ahmed, the HC also ordered the BSMMU authorities to examine Shahidul’s physical condition and submit a report in the court by 10:30am today (Thursday).
Shahidul Alam was picked up by plainclothes men on Sunday night and was placed on a seven-day remand by a Dhaka court on Monday in a case filed against him under the Section 57 of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Act. He was also “tortured in police custody.”
The bench passed the order following the writ petition filed challenging a lower court order that placed Shahidul on remand in the case.
Hours before he was detained from his Dhanmondi residence, Shahidul came under attack of a group of armed men while videoing an attack of a gang of armed men.
Shahidul’s wife Rehnuma said her husband gave an interview to an international media about on-going students’ movement. Besides, he worked live on Facebook about the issue several times.
