Shabnaz urges all to donate bloods


Entertainment Report :
Film Chandni famed popular actress Shabnaz urged all
to donate bloods. She said that during childhood she has been engaged with Red Crescent. To come forward to save life, the actress first donated blood at Red Crescent Blood Centre of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society on December 1 in 1996. From that time to till date she
donated bloods for many times. Her blood group is
AB+. On November 8 in 1996, Shabnaz acted and actor
Alamgir directed movie Nirmom was released. For this film, Shabnaz got her only National Film Award. She received the award in 2000 from the hands of then
the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
Shabnaz said, “During my childhood, I have been engaged with Red Crescent Society. If anybody needed bloods I came forward to donate. My father always inspired me in this regard. For him, I became inspired to donate bloods. For this reason, since 1996 I have been donating bloods. I think I am lucky if anybody receives my blood for survival his/her life. People should come forward for the help of people. Everything happens with the wants of Allah. So, I request all to come forward to donate bloods to save anybody’s life.”
Shabnaz also said that now she is staying at Pathrail village of Tangail along with her husband film actor Nayeem. Nayeem feels comfortable to stay there now. Shabnaz said, “Few days ago, bypass surgery took place in Nayeem’s body. After feeling good, I brought him to our Uttara’s residence. Then we came to Pathrail village in Tangail where Nayeem’s parents’ graveyards are there. Now we are passing times there. During winter we are really enjoying to stay here.”
Nayeem-Shabnaz’s two daughters – Namira and Mahadiya are now studying in Canada, the actress added.
