Shab-e-Barat observed


UNB, Dhaka :Holy Shab-e-Barat, the night of fortune and forgiveness, was observed in the country on Tuesday night with due religious fervour.Muslim devotees offered special prayers, reciting from the holy Quran, holding milad, zikr and other religious rituals seeking divine blessings for the wellbeing of the mankind.They passed the whole night offering prayers.They also visited the graves of their relatives and Muslim saints, and distributed sweets and homemade foods among the poor, their neighbours, friends and relatives.On the occasion, various religious and socio-cultural organisations and Islamic Foundation chalked out elaborate programmes, including religious sermons, hamd-naa’t, recitation from the Holy Quran, doa and special prayers.Wednesday was the public holiday as the Shab-e-Barat fell on Tuesday night.Meanwhile, President Abdul Hamid, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia issued separate messages greeting Muslims on the occasion.Bangladesh Television (BTV), Bangladesh Betar and private TV channels and radio stations aired special programmes, while newspapers published articles, highlighting the significance of the night.
