Severe manpower shortage at Mugda General Hospital

People wearing protective masks stand in a queue outside the Coronavirus testing facilitation centre of Mugda General Hospital in Dhaka on Monday.
People wearing protective masks stand in a queue outside the Coronavirus testing facilitation centre of Mugda General Hospital in Dhaka on Monday.

Staff Reporter :
Mugda Medical Collage and Hospital, one of leading hospitals for covid-19 treatment, is facing severe manpower shortage to continue the deadly virus situation.
Most of the doctors, nurses and other health workers have already come in contact with corona while giving treatment. As a result, there has been a manpower crisis.
During visiting, the doctors, nurses, ward boys and patients said, the main problem is manpower. The number of infected people is increasing day by day and the number of health care providers is decreasing. A total of 214 people, including doctors, nurses and health workers, have been infected so far. The most affected are nurses being 84.
About 1291 corona patients were admitted in this hospital. So far, 895 recovered and 134 died.
Anonymously one of the nurses said, we are trying our best to take care of the covid-19 patients. Manpower shortages are hindering service. Few of our colleague nurses tested corona positive. They are now out of duty. Their absence created pressure on others.
One of doctors claimed that the covid-19 positive patients are not following health directives. They are moving around the hospitals, even outside the hospitals.
When visited the hospital, it was seen that careless patients and their relatives in the hospital are moving freely without following any hygiene rules. The patient himself is going out for various activities.
The problem of the hospital is ICU. The shortage of ICU facilities and efficient technicians also mounting problem to continue treatment, said the hospital Acting Director Dr Md Abul Hasem Sheikh.
He said, at this moment our crying need is ICU and efficient technicians. There are not enough capable technicians in ICU.
He further said, we have lot of limitation, but in the era of pandemic and national crisis moment we are working as a family and trying to give our best. If we can solve manpower shortage I hope we will perform better.
