Severe cold wave hits life in Bagerhat

Bagerhat Correspondent :
The normal life of the people of Bagerhat district town and its all the nine upazilas was paralysed due to the prevailing cold spell with bone-chilling wind blowing from the north for the last five days.
At present the temperature of the district has come down to a great extent. They are not at all willing to go out of their houses in order to save themselves from the biting of cold. The rickshaws, van rickshaws and such other opened vehicles are hardly found on the roads in the morning before 8 am and just after sun set.
The attendance in the office, banks and educational institutions is poor. When contacted some elderly people told this correspondent that they hardly experienced such a severe biting cold in the past few years.
The victims are mainly children, elderly homeless people and those who reside in the slum areas. Extremely poor people have no sufficient
worm cloths to protect themselves from the biting of the winter.
The children and the old suffered most. At this the sale of warm cloths-both fresh and second-hand, gained a momentum. Some owners of garment shops said that they invested a large amount of money for purchasing warm cloths in the hope of the best sale with the stalk of the winter. But in true there was practically little sale of warm cloths till the 15th of the month of December, 2019. So, we incurred a loss.