Seven Rohingya detained at Baralekha border


Moulvibazar correspondent :
Seven Rohingyas who were detained from Baralekha border area of Moulvibazar while going to India have been sent to Rohingya camp. Police said they were sent to Kutupalong Thankhali (FDMN) camp in Ukhia on Thursday afternoon. Earlier on Wednesday around 6:30 am, local people arrested them from Kumarshail madrasa side while they were going to India through the Kumarshail border area of North Shahbazpur Union of the upazila. Later their Latu was in the hands of BGB (Border Guard Bangladesh).
is given away. BGB handed them over to the police that evening. The detained Rohingyas are – Md. Shafiqul (19), Samin Ara (18), Ruzina Akhtar (17), Shuktara (15), Fatema Khatun (17), Malika (15) and Achia (16). According to sources, the detained Rohingyas came to Baralekha after escaping from Ukhiyar Kutupalong Thankhali (FDMN) camp in Cox’s Bazar to go to India through brokers.
Thana police, BGB and local sources said that it was 6:30 am on Wednesday
Local people arrested the seven Rohingyas from the side of Kumarshail Madrasa in North Shahbazpur Union of Baralekha Upazila. Later the locals handed over their Latu to the BGB. BGB’s preliminary interrogation admitted that the Rohingyas had tried to cross the Kumarshail border into India. Later that evening BGB handed them over to the police. Baralekha Upazila North Shahbazpur Union Parishad (UP) Chairman Rafiq Uddin Ahmad on Thursday afternoon.
