Serving people not making money must be the motto

PHYSICIANS must provide treatment, President Abdul Hamid said to common people at affordable cost so that no one remained deprived of receiving treatment for lack of money. He made the call while addressing the third convocation of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in the city on Monday. He has also asked the physicians to perform their duty with dedication keeping it mind that the nation has offered them the best opportunity to become physicians and they are duty bound to serve the people. Money should not be the driving force behind their profession.

The President as the chancellor also referred to media report on many occasion about wrong treatment making common people victim of neglect and such other harassment. He made it clear that physicians must change their outlook to become people doctors instead of doctor for money. He said doctor-population ratio in the country is not in the right proportion that makes hospitals overcrowded. Physicians should try their level best to give treatment to all.

The President also mentioned the shortcoming of resources to make health service easily available to all. But what he should have demanded from physicians is discipline and routine attendance at work place. Moreover doctors have already earned bad names beating patients at hospitals that should not be the case. Their political activism, particularly over politicized physicians at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University is noticeable. They had engaged in pitch battle last year in the street leaving the nation to wonder how they could afford to leave patients and hospital wards unattended to take on their factional rivals in the profession.


Allegations also galore that physicians make prescription for unnecessary drugs and diagnostic tests. Agents guide patients to labs that they won. They also use private service to motivate patients to take admission in private hospitals and clinics they run as a business thus making treatment highly expensive and the cost often beyond the affordability of poor patients. Most people sell property for treatment but the treatment charge of physicians is only soaring. They are running both illegal and immoral service that must end.

The President has touched on only few matters while the highly politicized medical service cadre needs renewed commitment to serve the patients instead of making huge fortune by offering expensive treatment. Physicians are the richest segment of people in our society but the source of their rich is common people and poor patients. President is therefore right to demand a change in their motto to serve people instead serving for money.
