Separate Department for children emphasised


State Minister for Women and Children Affairs Meher Afroze Chumki on Thursday spoke strongly in favour of a separate “Department” for the children, like the Department of Women Affairs and Department of
Youth Development, to establish rights of children.
She said if children are developed, country would develop automatically.
“Department for children is not a big demand. The development of the country depends on development of children,” she said this on Thursday while addressing as the chief guest a view exchange meeting on forming a separate “Department of Children” at CIRDAP auditorium in the city.
Chumki said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has also given opinion in favour of Children Department.
Referring to the present government activities for improvement of children, she said the government has achieved remarkable progress in the field of child education, child health, infant mortality rate and child labour.
“The government has also proposed separate allocation for the children in the national budget for 2016-17 financial year,” she added.
Women and Children Affairs Secretary Nasima Begum attended the view
exchange meeting as special guest while advisor to former caretaker
government and human rights activist Advocate Sultana Kamal chaired.
