Senior lawyer Khandaker Mahbub put on ventilator


Online Desk:

Senior lawyer and BNP vice-chairman Khandaker Mahbub Hossain was put on a ventilator at a city hospital on Wednesday as his condition turned critical due to Covid infections.
Doctors at Evercare Hospital put him on a ventilation support in the afternoon as his blood pressure dropped alarmingly, said Mahbub’s wife Farat Hossain.
She said her husband’s kidneys also started malfunctioning.
Farat said a medical board was formed to ensure proper treatment of the senior lawyer.
She urged all to pray for the speedy recovery of Mahbub who was admitted to the hospital on August 16 with Covid infections.
Former vice-president of the Bangladesh Bar Council and president of Supreme Court Bar Association, Mahbub is one of the lawyers of BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia.
