Holy Ramzan: Send blessings salute Rasulullah (Sm)


Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :The Holy Quran proclaims Islam as the Code of life for mankind: ” …. This day have I/ Perfected your religion/For you, completed/ My favour upon you,/ And have chosen for you/ Islam as your religion …. ” (Sura Mayeda 5:3)Allama Yusuf Ali comments: “The last verse revealed chronologically, marking the approaching end of Mustafa’s ministry in his earthly life.”This Ayat informs us of the perfection of religion (as complete Code of life) and completion of the blessings of Allah. This final message came through Hazrat Muhammad (Sm), the last and the greatest Messenger. He is the Seal of Prophets – the last of the series of Messengers of Allah. Discussion on any worship or ritual of Islam (Salat, Fasting, Hajj, Zakat or any) will remain incomplete if we don’t focus on Rasulullah (Sm) who conveyed to mankind this Divine message. The Holy Quran reveals : “Ye have indeed /In the Apostle of God/ A beautiful pattern (of conduct)/ For anyone whose hope is/In God and the Final Day,/And who engages much/In the praise of God.” (Sura Ahzab 33: 21) Al Quran says, “We sent thee not, but/ As a Mercy for all creatures.” (Sura Ambiya 21 : 107) Thus his message is universal. In the ‘Holy Quran : Translation and Commentary’ Allama Yusuf Ali focusses on the universal message of this Prophethood in the following way : “There is no question now of race or nation, of a ‘chosen people’ or the ‘seed of Abraham’; or the ‘seed of David’; or of Hindu Arya-varta; of Jew or Gentile, Arab or ‘Ajam (Persian), Turk or Tajik, European or Asiatic, White or Coloured; Aryan, Semitic, Mongolian, or African; or American, Australian or Polynesian. To all men and creatures other than men who have any spiritual responsibility, the principles universally apply.” Rasulullah (Sm) brought the message for mankind and the creatures of the universe. He was successful in preaching the great ideals of the integrity and solidarity of mankind, fraternal relation and peace – the most cherished one. The Holy Quran reveals : “God and His Angels/Send blessings on the Prophet : / O ye that believe!/Send ye blessings on him,/And salute him/With all respect.” (Sura Ahzab 33: 56) Allama Yusuf Ali comments : “God and His angels honour and bless the Holy Prophet as the greatest of men. We are asked to honour and bless him all the more because he took upon himself to suffer the sorrows and afflictions of this life in order to guide us to God’s Mercy and the highest inner Life.” The Holy Quran also reveals : “Those who annoy/God and His Apostle-/God has cursed them/In this world and/In the Hereafter,/And has prepared for them/A humiliating punishment.” (Sura Ahzab 33:57) Allama Yusuf Ali : “Annoy” : Aza (IV) may equally mean: to vex, to cause hurt or injury, to insult, to ill-treat by stander or unseemly conduct, or hurt the feelings of (someone). The Prophet came with a Divine mission to teach and reclaim the world, and he is entitled to the respect of all, even of those who do not consciously acknowledge his mission, for his mission works constantly like the forces of nature. In a minor degree the ‘Mothers of the Believers’ are also entitled to respect.” We feel proud of the highest praises for our beloved Messenger of Allah from the greatest personalities of the world irrespective of caste, creed or colour. They knew well that his followers make no difference among the Messengers. Allah’s best Mercy to mankind is the Revelation of the Holy Quran and sending of Hazrat Muhammad (Sm). The Holy Quran and the Sunnah is Guidance and Mercy from Allah. Muslims have to express their allegiance to the Messenger practicing self-restraint and patience in fasting. They submit to the Will of Allah and recognise their allegiance to the ideals of the Messenger of Allah. Offering of Salams to the most dignified Muhammadur Rasulullah (Sm) is a great virtue, specially in the month of Ramzan.All prayers, worships and supplication should accompany Durud and Salam. Acceptability of any worship to Allah depends greatly on the believer’s love and salutations to Rasullullah (Sm). So, we should not forget to avail the opportunity to offer Salam to the Friend of Allah in this Holy month, while Allah Himself and His angels send blessings on him.
