SEMS School Football begins


The first-ever SEMS Inter-English Medium School Football Festival, organized by BAF Shaheen English Medium School (SEMS), began on Thursday at the school campus here.
Air Officer Commanding of BAF Base Bashar Air Vice Marshal Ehsanul Gani Choudhury inaugurated the football fest Thursday by releasing colourful baloons and festoons. Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) president Kazi Mohammad Salahuddin was also present on the occasion as special guest and witnessed the opening match.
In the opening match, hosts BAF SEMS played to a goalless draw with Bangladesh International School and College (BISC) in U-14 boys’ category of the meet.
Some 560 boys and girls from 22 English-medium schools of Dhaka are taking part in the three-day meet in four different categories (U-14 boys, U-16 boys, U-19 boys and girls).
Principal of BAF SEMS Group Captain Makhlukar Rahman Khan, Senior BAF officers, teachers, students and their guardians were also present on the occasion.
