Seminar on shipping industry at BSMRMU

Campus Report :
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU), Bangladesh has organized a seminar on “Global Challenges and Prospects of Shipping Industries” at its temporary campus in the capital recently.
Vice Chancellor of the university Rear Admiral ASM Abdul Baten graced the occasion as chief guest. Managing Director of Bangladesh Shipping Corporation Commodore Habibur Rahman Bhuiyan delivered keynote speech and former DG of Department of Shipping AKM Shafiqullah presented papers at the seminar. Different maritime organization like Bangladesh Navy, Coastguard, maritime scholars from different universities and the teachers and students of the university participated in the seminar.
Participants of the seminar discussed as to how ships, investment and development of shipbuilding industries could help uplift the nation’s economy to ‘Blue Economy’ in the near future. Notable here is, the country’s sole institution of maritime higher education Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University is determined to create skilled manpower to develop the industries in these fields, added the Vice-Chancellor.