Seminar on science held

Staff Reporter :
A seminar was held at Singair upazila of Manikganj on Saturday.
In the seminar, Director General of National Science and Technology Museum Mohammad Munir Chowdhury urged the students not to memories the science, rather they have to emphasize on the practicing of science.
Now a day most of our science teachers have taken their duty in the educational institute as a job. But their mind is not on research and innovation.
I request the all science teachers to research over the modern technology, the DG said.
We have to be aware to protect environment and ecosystem. We have to avoid the use of plastic and polythene because pollution is detrimental to environment.
Besides, teachers have to learn about the environment and science in order to teach the students so that they can contribute to protect our environment, DG further added.
Singair Upazila Nirbahi Officer Rona Laila and other officials also spoke on the seminar.