Seminar on research projects held at JU


A seminar on research projects of Mathematical and Physical Sciences faculty of Jahangirnagar University (JU) was held at the seminar room of the faculty on the campus in Savar on Sunday.
JU Vice-Chancellor Professor Farzana Islam inaugurated the seminar as the chief guest, said a JU press release.
The faculty Dean Ajit Kumar Majumder presided over the seminar that was addressed by JU Pro-VC Professor Abul Hossain (academic) and Treasurer Professor Sheikh Manzurul Huq as special guests, among others.
In her inaugural speech, Professor Farzana urged the teachers and students to engage themselves in research works being affiliated with the expert researchers to enhance the quality of the education.
Summaries of a total of 26 research projects were presented with four sessions in the seminar, the release said.
