Seminar on prevention of disease held


Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University (CVASU) arranged a daylong seminar on “Promoting One Health education at tertiary level through university networking inside Bangladesh” was held in a local hotel yesterday.
Prof Dr. Goutam Buddo Das, Vice Chancellor of the university was present as chief guest and inaugurated the seminar. Mark R. Wallace, Agricultural Attaché of USA in New Dilly, Dr. Salim Mohammed Jahangir, Principal of Chittagong Medical College, founder Vice Chancellor of the University and FAO -coordinator in Bangladesh Dr. Nitis Chandro Debnath was present as special guest.
Prof Dr Mohammed Kabirul Islam Khan, Director Research and Expansion also spoke on the occasion university sources said.
Dr. Aamam Zunaid Siddiki presided the seminar and presented the key knot paper. About sixty persons from 15 universities and medical colleges were participated the seminar.
