Seminar on migration, food security and rural dev at DIU

Food Minister Advocate Md. Qamrul Islam, MP, visiting stalls set up by the students of Nutrition and Food Engineering Department of Daffodil International University after a seminar on 'Change the future of migration: invest in food security and rural de
Food Minister Advocate Md. Qamrul Islam, MP, visiting stalls set up by the students of Nutrition and Food Engineering Department of Daffodil International University after a seminar on 'Change the future of migration: invest in food security and rural de
Campus Report :
To mark the ‘World Food Day-2017’, Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering of Daffodil International University (DIU) organized a seminar on ‘Change the future of migration: invest in food security and rural development’ on Saturday at 71 Milonayoton of the University.
Food Minister Advocate Md. Qamrul Islam, MP, was present in the seminar as the chief guest, while Dipayan Bhattchariayya, Deputy Country Director-Strategy and Program of World Food Program, Dhaka, Bangladesh was present in the seminar as the guest of Honor. Prof Dr SM Mahabub Ul Haque Majumder, Pro-Vice Chancellor of DIU was present as special guest. Presided over by Prof Dr Yousuf M Islam, Vice Chancellor; DIU, the seminar was also addressed by Prof Dr Md. Bellal Hossain.
Advocate Md. Qamrul Islam, MP said that present government has completely enabled to ensure the food security of country’s 16 crore people. We are now self-sufficient in Food and we are in number four in producing rice. The word ‘monga’ or famine has disappeared from Bangladesh, Beside these, present government has been working relentlessly to ensure the basic right of having nutritious and safety food for the people.
The minister said, Employment in the rural area has increased more than earlier. To decrease the migration of people from rural to urban, sufficient employment initiatives have been taken by the government including developing infrastructural facilities like electricity, gas and others. He also said, to ensure social security of the rural people, present government has introduced many fold programs including Ashrayan Prokolpo, One House One Farm Project, Old Age Allowance, Widow Allowance, Maternal Nutrition Allowance and Rice distribution program at Tk. 10/ Kg Activities going on rampant in district level to ensure having safe food. He stressed on that country is advancing ahead to the high way of development and within 2041 Bangladesh will take place as the developed country.
Minister said, we want to ensure the safe food for all and in this regard, we are working in every step in the process of food production from controlling and maintain the quality of gradients, preparation, processing, packaging and marketing to ensure the safety. Students of Nutrition and Food Engineering are playing an important role to implement it, he added. He urged the students to ensure safe food through their innovative invention, research and using the latest technological development.
Dipayan Bhattchariayya said still now 80 crore people of the world is striving for sufficient food and as a result they suffer from malnutrition. Bangladesh has come back to win that situation as its poverty level decreased from 49 to 24 for the last 16 years, he added.