Seminar on library management at RU

RU Correspondent :
A daylong seminar on international library management affairs namely “Open Source Software in Library Management: Opportunities and Challenges in Library Service” was recently held in the conference room of Geography and Environmental Studies at Rajshahi University (RU) on Sunday. The seminar was inaugurated by RU Vice Chancellor Prof Muhammad Mizanuddin as chief guest while RU Pro-VC Prof Chawdhury Sarwar Jahan Sajal was present there as special guest. The function was presided over by Prof Rafiqunabii Samadi, Administrator of RU Central Library.
Six articles were presented in the first technical session and five articles were presented in the second technical session of the seminar. Besides, two panel conferences were organized in the function. About 100 librarian and information science professional, researchers and students took part in the function. The seminar was conducted by Afsana Zhumoor, student of Information Science and Library Management.
