Seminar on Lalon’s Philosophy held at IU


A day-long seminar titled “Music and Performing Arts as the Exposition of Lalon’s Philosophy” was held at Islamic University (IU) on Saturday.
English department of the university organised it at the seminar room of the department.
IU VC Professor Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari addressed the seminar as the chief guest while Pro-VC Professor Dr M Shahinoor Rahman was present as special guest with Chairman of English department Professor Dr Salma Sultana in the chair.
Rodina van dar Meer, research fellow of University of Humanistic Studies in the Netherlands delivered the keynote speech as the key presenter at the seminar.
Former Chairman of IU’s English Department Professor Dr M Mamunur Rahman addressed the seminar as the discussant where teachers and students of the department participated in it.
