Seminar on kidney disease prevention on Aug 13


As kidney disease is increasing in the country at an alarming rate, a seminar titled “Kidney disease prevention and kidney donation and transplantations” will be held on August 13 aiming to create awareness on the disease.
Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation are jointly organizing the seminar from 4 pm to 6 pm at Shawkat Osman Gallery of Public Library in the city, Convenor of Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation Dr Sohely Ahmed Sweety told BSS on Saturday.
Renowned kidney specialists from home and abroad will attend the seminar, she added.
Chief Advisor of Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation National Prof MR Khan, Managing Trustee of Mohan Foundation Dr Sunil Shroff, member of board of trustee of Save Life Foundation and Gift Life Foundation and renowned kidney specialist Prof Dr-ur-Rashid, among others, will attend the seminar.
Dr Sweety said the number of kidney patients has increased alarmingly as two crore people in the country are now somehow suffering from kidney diseases.
Describing kidney ailment as a silent killer disease, she stressed the need for launching massive awareness campaign across the country on kidney diseases for ensuring safe and healthy life of people.
