Seminar of IIUC held


A seminar title “Islam in protecting health” was held at the Conference room of IIUC at the permanent Campus in Kumira, Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr. AKM Azharul Islam was present as Chief Guest .
He said that we must understood the Islam through Science and give priority to convenience another through proper Islamic Science Knowledge. Quran is almost Came from science background researcher. adding that there are a numerous talents in the country, with assembling talents and labor, we can uphold our dignity.
Dean of Shariah and Islamic Studies faculty Professor Dr. Nazmul Hoque Nadvi Presided the Seminar , Prof Ahsan Ullah Buyian, founding member of IIUC finance Committee , Prof Dr Mohammed Delwar Hossain, Acting Vice Chancellor Associate Professor of Department of Arabic in Chittagong University was present as Special guest.
Mohammad Sofi uddin Madani Chief of Islamic Studies department was present as geast speaker.
Prof Dr. Mohammed Mostafa Kamal Madani presented the Keyknot paper IIUC Sources said.
