Selling of tobacco products near schools prohibited

Chattogram Bureau :
Chattogram City Corporation has prohibited selling of tobacco products within areas of 100 yards of the educational institutions in the port city . The directives of the corporation will come into forces from September 10 next.
 In this connection, city mayor AJM Nasiruddin informed the concerned persons to comply the directives immediately otherwise exemplary punishment will be drawn against the accused.
In a recent survey of the city corporation , it is revealed that there are 885 educational institutions in 41 wards of the city and there are also 5,534 tobacco selling centres including grocery shops, restaurants, floating cigar shops.
City Corporation in cooperation with the CAB, Institute of Theatre of Arts, and ILMA conducted a survey in 41 ward of the city and the numbers of these selling centres find out in last year which was placed before the meeting of CCC on November 15 last year in presence of the city Mayor, sources said.