Selling adulterated fertiliser to invite trouble: Bill placed


The Fertiliser (Management) (Amendment) Bill, 2018 was placed in Parliament on Tuesday with a provision of harsher punishment for selling adulterated fertiliser.
Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury placed the bill in the House and it was sent to the respective Parliamentary Standing Committee for examination, and the committee was asked to submit its report within 60 days.
According to the bill, the punishment for selling adulterated fertiliser would be two years’ imprisonment or a fine of Tk five lakh, or both.
The punishment in the existing law is six months’ imprisonment or a fine of Tk 30,000, or both.
Under the draft law, the number of members of the National Fertiliser Standardisation Committee headed by the Agriculture Minister would be 17 instead of the existing 15.
As per the existing law, any appeal regarding fertiliser management shall be disposed of within 10 days of submission of the appeal.
