‘Self-examination technique best way to check breast cancer’


In this modern world, there are a lot of ways to check or diagnose breast cancer, but in our country, self-examination technique for women is the best way to detect this deadly disease.
Tania Akhter, 37, experienced irregular menstruation for last six months. She considered it normal and thought it would be okay within few days and did not visit any doctor. At one stage, she felt a lump in her left breast prompted her to visit a doctor. Consequently, she conducted necessary medical test as per doctor’s suggestion, detecting breast cancer in its initial stage, enabling her to take steps for treatment. Thus self examination technique saved Tania’s life from any immense sufferings. “Self-examination technique is the best way to identify breast cancer in its early stage in our country though a lot of ways are used to diagnose it all over the world,” Assistant Professor of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Dr Sharmin Abbasi told media.
As the mammogram is expensive for the women in our country, the cancer experts suggest taking up the task literally in their own hands, she added. Breast self-examination (BSE) is a technique which allows an individual to examine her breast tissue for any physical or visual changes. It is an early detection method for breast cancer, Abbasi said.
She suggested applying of BSE technique at the end of monthly period of a woman. “But the pregnant women who experiencing no period or the women who experiencing irregular period can choose a specific day in every month to use this technique,” she added.
“In this process, the woman has to press her breast properly and if she feels any lumps or notice any other unusual changes, then she must have to see a doctor,” Dr Abbasi also said.
A recent survey, carried out over 246 patients by the National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital’s medical oncology department, found social taboos and unawareness were the main reasons for unchecked breast cancer and delaying in early detection.
The study found that 65.5 per cent of breast cancer patients made their diagnosis delay for more than six months, although 83 per cent of them found lumps in their breast or had other symptoms of breast cancer. Speaking to media, Clinical Oncology expert Professor Dr M Ehteshamul Hoque blamed lack of awareness about the disease in preventing it in the early stage.
