Self-determination key to build confidence among autistics: Shore


Building awareness for strengths and challenges through verbal, pictorial and other communication and racking up strengths and challenges are keys to develop self-determination for the children with autism, said Dr. Stephen Shore, a renowned world famous autism expert.
Presentation of the label summarizing a condition rather than a name for deficits is also an important step for infusing a sense of confidence among those suffering with autism spectrum, he added.
Implementation of those steps would make one’s need known in a way that others can understand and enables them to provide support, said Dr. Shore.
He made the comments on Friday at a day-long discussion organized by Shuchona Foundation, a not-for-profit advocacy, research and capacity-building organization.
Despite being diagnosed with autism and was nonverbal until the age of four, Dr. Shore went on to complete his doctoral degree from Boston University and has since been working as the Assistant Professor of Special Education at the Adelphi University.
Categorized by two segments, the first one ended with participation of autistic children and their parents.
During the second session, different stakeholders related to providing education for those lives, listened to the lectures from Dr Shore.
This event tilted “Preparing for a successful life with autism”, was designed to assist representatives from different sectors to view persons with Neurodevelopmental Disorder (NDD) from the perspective of someone who overcame the challenges presented by his disorder and was able to fulfill his potential and make a very successful life for him.
