Holy Ramzan: Sehri and Iftar

Abdul Muqit Chowhury :
Fasting is the third ‘Rukn’ (pillar) of Islam. It is ‘Farz’ (obligatory) for all adult persons in good health.
The ‘Sehri’ (pre-dawn meal), the ‘Iftar’ (taking Iftary) and ‘Taraweeh’ (special night prayer with ‘Isha) are very important and significant rituals of Ramzan.
The best time for ‘Sehri’ is the last part of the
night. Having a meal before ‘Subhe Sadeq’ is a part of Sunnah. The Holy Quran ordains : “And eat and drink,/ Until the white thread/ Of dawn appear to you/ Distinct from its black thread/ Then complete your Fast/ Till the night appears.” (Sura Baqara 2 : 187). Thus the time of Sehri and Iftar is fixed. The Sehri should be completed before Subhe Sadeq, and the ‘Iftar’ is to be taken when ‘the night appears’ just after sunset. The Holy Quran has stamped the last moment of fasting in this Ayat.
The Holy Hadith narrated by Hazrat Zayed bin Sabet (Ra) may be mentioned here. He said, “We took our Sehri with Rasulullah (Sm) and then stood for (Fazar) prayer”. He was asked, ”’How far was the gap in between both-the Sehri and the Fazar prayer?” He replied : “The time in between was as long as required to recite 50 Ayats of the Holy Quran”. So, it is clear that the time for meal of Sehri ends with the appearance of Subhe Sadeq.
Rasulullah (Sm) gave much importance on Sehri. He also said, “Take the meal of Sehri, because it lies abundance.” (Bukhari, Muslim Sharif) . So, if one has no hunger even, a glass of water may be taken as Sunnat.
Having meal in the Sehri a little late is virtuous; but it should be taken before Subhe Sadeq. It should be remembered that stopping of eating and drinking should not depend on the hearing of Azan of Fazar ; but it should always be before the arrival of Subhe Sadeq.
The Sehri should be taken as very important for smooth observance of the Fast. Because, Rasulullah (Sm) laid much stress on having required meal at Sehri.
Before breaking fasting, the rozadar should sit with Iftary and pray to Allah. The prayer before taking Iftary is very significant and acceptable to Allah.
Rasulullah (Sm) said, “Human beings will remain in the wellbeing till they take Iftary at the fixed time.” He said, “Allah accepts the prayer of the rozadar at the time of Iftar.” (Abu Daud Sharif)
“Rozadar has two joys : One at the time of Iftar after the completion of the fasting hours and the second is the meeting with the Lord of the universe.” (Bukhari Sharif)