Holy Ramzan: Seeking knowledge is obligatory


Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Today is the 26th Ramzan. According to majority of Islamic scholars the succeeding night (27th) is the Lailatul Qadr, popularly known as Shab- e-Qadr. It is the night of revelation of the Holy Quran : “We have indeed
revealed/This (Message)/In the Night of Power.” [(Sura Qadr 97:1, The Holy Qur’an :Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali)]
The Holy Quran is the last revealed Book of Allah Rabbul Aalameen for ‘the guidance’ of mankind. The first revealed verse is : “Proclaim (or Read!)/ In the name/ Of thy Lord and Cherisher,/ Who created -” (Sura Alaq 96: 1, Do)
It underlines the responsibility on the Muslims related to reading for knowledge. The Holy Quran says : ” … Say : / Are those equal , /Those who know,/ And those who do not know? …” ( Sura Zumar 39: 9, Do)
Rasulullah (SM) said. “Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim male and female.”
The Holy Quran was revealed in the Lailatul Qadr and according to the first revealed verse reading, writing and research on Science and Technology and other branches of learning is obligatory to the Muslims.
In spite of great importance and stress on the search of knowledge the Muslims all over the world are now more or less backward in education. Backwardness in Science and Technology has made them vulnerable to aggressions. Some of the Muslim countries have become easy victims of atrocities and oppressions.
The Muslims should ponder over the situation of this disaster in the light of the Holy Quran.
Al-Wida Al -Wida
The last Friday of the holy Ramzan is called ‘Zum’atul Wida’- meaning ‘departing Zum’a’. The musallies join this Zum’a congregation with due religious fervour and bid farewell to this month.
Holy Quran imposes obligation for Zum’a prayer in the following verses : “O ye who believe!/ When the call is proclaimed/ To prayer on Friday/ (The Day of Assembly),/ Hasten earnestly to the/ Remembrance of God and leave off/ Business (and traffic):/ That is best for you/ If ye but knew!”
“And when the Prayer/ Is finished,/ Then may ye/Disperse through the land,/ And seek the/ Bounty of God : and celebrate/ The Praises of God/ Often (and without stint) : /That ye may prosper.” (Sura Zum’a : 9-10, The Holy Quran : Translation and Commentary by A. Yusuf Ali)
A. Yusuf Ali in his comment said, “The idea behind the Muslim weekly “Day of Assembly” is different from that behind the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday) or the Christian Sunday. The Jewish Sabbath is primarily a commemoration of God’s ending His work and resting on the seventh day (Gen, ii, 2 ; Exod xx. II) : We are taught that God needs no rest, nor does He feel fatigue (ii 255). The Jewish command forbids work on that day but says nothing about worship or prayer (Exod xx.10) ; our ordinance lays chief stress on the remembrance of God. ……………..Our teaching says : ‘When the time for Zum’a Prayer comes, close your business and answer the summons loyally and earnestly, meet earnestly, pray, consult and learn by social contact : When the meeting is over, scatter and go about your business.’
The regular Zum’a prayer through the year gets a new merit and dimension in the last Zum’a of Ramzan. Huge attendance of the musallies depicts the fervour and sanctity of the occasion. The devotees under the leadership of the concerned Imams in the Mosques bid farewell to Ramzan. The Imams in their khutbas bid farewell uttering ‘Al Wida Al Wida ya Shahri Ramzan.’
Friday Zum’a prayer is obligatory on every adult and free Muslim. Rasulullah (SM) performed it constantly. He said. “Let people desist and refrain from neglecting the Friday prayers, else Allah will make their hearts inaccessible and they will be among those who are ignored.” (Muslim Sharif)
He said : “Allah will make a mark on his heart who deliberately neglects the Friday prayers.” (Abu Daud Sharif)
Let us pray to Almighty Allah to bestow and shower on us His infinite blessings of mercy, forgiveness and salvation. Let us be true Muslims after this month-long self-restraint to render our service to the Ummah and the mankind.
