Plots thru forgery: Secy Shawkat, 9 others to be indicted


The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is going to submit charge-sheet against 10 people, including Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Ministry’s Secretary Dr Khondoker Shawkat Hossain, sources in ACC said.Three cases were filed with Motijheel Thana against Shawkat on April 22 on charge of managing several plots through forgery and having earned huge wealth beyond his known sources of income.The names of Shawkat’s wife Dr Aysha Khanam and eight other officials of Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK) were included in the final report after the investigation officers had found their involvements in plots scam. The Commission Deputy Director Jatan Kumar Roy has already submitted the report to the Director General (Investigation and Inquiry) office for review. If they approve it, charge-sheet will be submitted to the court.The bureaucrat concealed information in his statement of wealth, says ACC. It should be noted that the Secretary is under an inquiry of managing freedom fighter certificate. ACC Deputy Director Zulfikar Ali is investigating. Shawkat Hossain has a six-storey building on six kathas of land worth Tk eight crore, which is in his wife’s name ‘Ayesha Khanom’, in the city’s Uttara area. He has purchased a flat in a luxurious complex at Gulshan-1 whose price is stated to be Tk 3.50 crore.He has 120 bighas of land at Savar and Ashulia, 40 bighas of land in Bhaluka, three bighas of land near the sea-beach of Cox’s Bazaar, eight khatas of land at Banani and seven bighas of land at Mohammadpur in the city, and 15 bighas of land at Keraniganj in Dhaka district.
