Security tightened in EPZ areas

Chittagong Bureau :
Bangladesh Export Processing Zone Authority has tightened the security measures in Chittagong Export Processing Zone following the militant attacks on foreigners in Dhaka recently.
 A circular in connection was issued by BEPZA saying that none will be entered inside the CEPZ without valid permission from the authority in case of visitors and ID cards of the concerned factory management. Industrial police sources said there are 1,306 foreigners are working in the chittagong based EPZs viz. CEPZ, Karnaphuli EPZ, private KEPZ in Anowara.
 Out of the total, 472 in CEPZ, 772 in Karnaphuli EPZ and 63 in KEPZ. Beside the work place, security measures deployed in the residences of these foreigners working in EPZs in Chittagong.To tighten the security measures in these specialized zone, BEPZA has requested CMP, RAB, Industrial police through official letter recently.
While contacted General Manager of CEPZ Khurshid Alam told that about 2 lakh workers engaged in CEPZ factories and stern monitoring over the visitors other than workers are undergoing strictly.
All workers, visitors are being checked by metal ditactor , archway , physical checking of women workers by women Ansars and women security personnel of CEPZ at the entry point, sources said.