Lack of measures, proper surveillance: Security of goods containers at Ctg Port becomes fragile


A correspondent, Chittagong :The security of goods containers at Chittagong Port, a critical spot of country’s economy, has apparently become fragile due to lack of security measures and proper surveillance. There is no proper security patrolling in the area. Goods worth Tk 4,000 crore are lying scatteredly the port without any security watch. Outsiders are entering the restricted area without any interruption. Miscreants often loot goods breaking open the containers in the dark of the night. Imported fabrics are being destroyed in the port. Even, incident of taking away an entire goods container are often taking place. Though the criminals have been identified, they remain untouched. An on-the-spot investigation has revealed the worrying security scenario at Chittagong Port. Sources said the businessmen are facing huge damages due to frequent theft and looting of goods while the image of the port is being tarnished abroad. The port authorities also have to pay huge amount of compensations to the affected companies and organisations for stolen goods. In the last five months, some 17 incidents of theft were reported at the port. As such, the businessmen concerned became worried over the deteriorating security situation at the port area. Unauthorised personnel were seen entering the port through all the entrances of the port while some people were seen going to the restricted areas in motor vehicles with the direct help of the security officials. These outsiders are allegedly involved in various criminal activities inside the port area.Sources said only 30 percent of the total port areas is being monitored by 126 CCTV cameras. Stored containers, with goods worth Tk 4,000 crore, are lying in the remaining 70 percent area without any security surveillance. In 2008, a Tk 31-crore project was taken to install more 300 CCTV cameras in the port area, but the project has not been completed in six years. The Port Users Forum at a recent meeting requested the authorities concerned to beef up the security at the port area. Two days into the request, a more serious burglary took place at the port. A consignment of imported cloths worth Tk 80 lakh was stolen from the reserved area of the port on May 12 this year. It was found in the primary investigation that members of an organized gang took away the goods by breaking open the container in the dead of night. A BUET consultancy team earlier suggested installing 800 CCTV cameras to keep the entire port area under security surveillance. However, none could tell as to when the cameras will be installed. No effort to secure the port sees the light of the day. Investigation reveals that the Chittagong Port is running as per a safety plan of 1948. But the infrastructure has been increased by 20 times while the port activities have been increased by more than 100 times at the port over the years. The port is now handling some 11 lakh TEUS Containers, which was only 10,000 bulk cargo in the past. Compared to the expansion of the port, the number of security personnel is inadequate. No modern arms and equipment have been added to the security settings. The security personnel get only 2.50 minutes at the gate to search a cargo containing goods worth of up to Tk 100 crore. In such a way, vested quarters are getting the scope of carrying illegal goods through the port. At least 1,364 security personnel are required for 388 points of the reserved areas of the port. The number of security personnel deployed at the area is only one-third of the requirement while 80 percent members of the current security team are aged over 50.Sources said the security systems have not been improved in comparison to the increasing port activities at the port. A list requiring 1,165 security personnel was sent to the administration, but this brought no result. Recently, a powerful scanning device has been set up at two gates of the port to detect any illegal substance being carried underneath the vehicle. Sources said a tender was floated in 2011to set up 300 CCTV cameras at the port. But the shipping ministry did not allow it, the ministry rather asked to send a new proposal. Responding the call, the port authority sent new proposal on September 12, 2011, but that proposal has not seen the light of the day till today. Due to lack CCTV cameras, theft of import-export goods is running rampant. Some 27 incidents of theft took place in 2011, 31 in 2012 and more than 30 incidents were reported in 2013. Lt Colonel Moazzem Hossain, director of the Chittagong Port, said it is very urgent to increase the number of CCTV cameras for effectively monitoring the port yard. A team of BUET is working to check the feasibility of CCTV cameras. And they have submitted a part of the report, saying that the port requires more 800 CCTV cameras to strengthen security at the port. Chittagong Port Terminal Manager Enamul Karim said, some 24000 to 25000 containers remain stored at the port, of which 2,000 to 3,000 containers are empty. Rests of the containers contain export-import goods worth Tk 15 to 20 lakh each. As per the account, goods worth Tk 4000 crore remain in 70 percent area of the port, which is out of any CCTV surveillance. Imported fabric worth of about Tk 1 crore belonging to Four H Group was stolen from a container in 2007. Sand and soil was found in the container while the importer opened the container. The port and customs authority has formed an investigation committee to probe the incident, but the probe report is yet to be submitted. Besides, the Four H Group is yet to receive any compensation from the port authority for the damage. Burglary and theft are still rampant at the port despite taking several initiatives. Imported fabric worth of Tk 80 lakh was stolen from a container in the port on May 12. A case was filed in the Port Thana in this regard. The port authority formed a two-member investigation committee led by Assistant Traffic Manager Kudrat-E-Khuda. Security official of the port has said that fabric worth of Tk 1 crore was imported from China for a textile mill. The goods were physically examined in the afternoon on May 12 in presence of customs officials. But most of the goods went missing when the importer went to discharge the goods at 8:00pm. Car parts and fuel are also being stolen on regular basis from the car shed of Chittagong port. Six cars were stolen from the port recently. Sources alleged that some security persons are directly involved in the theft. Meanwhile, the Chittagong Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CMCCI) recently urged the Chairman of Chittagong Port Authority Rear Admiral Md Nizam Uddin Ahmed to take measures to prevent stealing of goods from the port. In a letter to the Chairman of Chittagong Port Authority, CMCCI Vice-President A M Mahbub Chowdhury informed that imported commodities are being stolen in different ways from the port. The letter also said some imported fabric, worth of Tk 50 lakh, was later found in city’s Teribazar recently. “According to the instruction received from the Ministry of Shipping, no covered van can leave the loading area of the port without being sealed. If this instruction is followed strictly, thefts will be reduced in the port area,” Mahbub Chowdhury said.
