Security beefed up at all airports


M Faruque Hossain :
Civil Aviation and Tourism Minister Rashed Khan Menon has said he himself decided to look after the ongoing security tightening efforts at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HSIA) following the two recent attacks in Gulshan and Sholakia.
 “The attacks are part of global conspiracy against Bangladesh to brand our country as a militant state, he said this at an emergency meeting with Civil Aviation officials at Kurmitola on Tuesday.
The Minister added that they would never be successful if we take proper steps on time. “We are taking measures to root out militancy from the country.” As part of the government’s zero tolerance policy against militancy, security has been beefed up in all airports in the country. The general passengers may face problems temporarily for the greater benefit of the country, he said.
 “The air cargo ban by the UK and Germany from Bangladesh was a political decision by the two countries. Bangladesh government has tightened security at the airports. But, they are yet to lift the ban despite the improved security measures,” he said.
A post on the UK government’s recent website headlined ‘Bangladesh Airport Update’ said, “As part of a set of interim measures, cargo will not be allowed on direct flights from Dhaka to the UK until further notice.” The Minister hoped that the temporary ban on direct cargo flights to the UK would be withdrawn soon and relations between Dhaka and London would be further warmed and deepened in the days to come.
The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) has awarded a BDT 732 million contract to British firm Redline Aviation Security to upgrade security screening procedures and equipment at Dhaka Airport. London has asked airlines carrying cargo between Bangladesh and the UK on indirect routes to ensure it is re-screening before its final leg into the UK.
In December last year, Australia banned all passenger and cargo airlines from ferrying freight heavier than 500gm to the country from any of Bangladesh, as well as Syria, Egypt, Yemen and Somalia.
Following the bombing and crash of a Russian jet over Egypt’s Sinai desert in October last year, the UK Department for Transport made a list of 38 airports of 20 countries, including the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka, that have security concern.
Whenever an act of killing, particularly of foreign national, occurred in Bangladesh, it was thought of that ISIS was behind the killing as the group claimed responsibility of these attacks. The US and other European countries sent travel alert to their respective citizens on several occasions in the past. However, ban on direct cargo flights or travel alert is an uneasy development for Bangladesh which the country cannot ignore.
