Section 57 to go with passing of Digital Security Bill: Jabbar

UNB, Dhaka :
Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Mustafa Jabbar on Saturday said Section 57 of the Information Communication and Technology (ICT) would no longer be there with the passing of the Digital Security Bill by parliament.
Inaugurating a national debate programme organised by Debate for Democracy at Film Development Corporation (FDC) in the city, the minister said Section 57 would be abolished but the proceedings of the running
 Nayapaltan central office, he further said, “The freedom of press and journalists will be at stake if the bill is passed. We would like to say this bill can’t be passed. We urge all irrespective of party and opinion to create a united resistance against this black law.”
On Tuesday, the parliamentary standing committee on Post, Telecom and ICT Ministry finalised its report on the bill.
About the medical board formed by the government for BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia’s treatment, Rizvi said the doctors who are active in Awami League politics are there in the board but her personal physicians were left out.
He alleged that such a medical board was formed to give a report on Khaleda’s health condition as per the directives of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
“We think the medical board was formed dropping our leader’s (Khaleda’s) personal physicians as part of the government’s evil plan. It’s also a mockery with her (Khaleda’s) serious illness.”
Rizvi warned that the consequences will be very dire if anything bad happens to Khaleda due to the government’s ‘vindictive’ attitude towards her.
On Thursday, the government formed a five-member medical board with physicians from Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) for examining Khaleda’s health condition and ensuring her treatment.
On September 9, a high-profile BNP delegation, led by party secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, met Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan and urged him to take steps for ensuring Khaleda’s treatment at United Hospital.