Section 144 to be imposed in Feni on Wednesday

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UNB, Feni :

The district administration in Feni has imposed Section 144 from 6am-6pm Wednesday (today) in the face of local units of BNP and ruling party youth front Jubo League announcing simultaneous rallies and events.
As declared earlier, BNP workers were preparing the stage on Tuesday evening for an event Wednesday at the Wapda ground in Feni. While their preparations were underway, Jubo League in the evening announced a counter rally and event at the same venue, said district BNP member secretary Alal Uddin Alal.
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Abu Selim Mahmud-ul Hasan said the BNP was supposed to hold an event at the venue on Tuesday. It was postponed due to unavoidable reasons. So, BNP requested to hold a rally at the same place on Wednesday, which was sent to the police for approval.
But ultimately BNP was not given the approval for Wednesday due to what police said was ‘lack of sufficient information’ regarding the event. On the other hand, the district Juba League sought permission to hold their event at the same venue, said the DC.
Unable to reconcile the two sides, Section 144 imposition was announced – in effect rejecting permission to assemble to both parties. It was done to keep the situation under control and maintain peace in the area, the DC added.
